Loss Of Episodes!

October 18, 2007

MediaMax the host i was using for the MP3’s corrupted all my files so the only review that still works is the Eiken review.

I might have them backed up on DVD-R’s so if i do ill put them back up.

09-04-07 DropDayAnime: Episode 5

September 5, 2007

MP3: (Right Click, Save As)

In this episode we review:
Eiken: C – – – Triple Minus

Firestar: “Wouldnt that make it a D-”

Szsprod: “Shut it you dont know!”

AnimeCap.Com Open!

July 31, 2007

AnimeCap.Com Banner
AnimeCap.Com is a new site for anime enthusiasts, where they can download their favorite shows while listening to audio reviews, watching trailers, or just adding their views on anime by commenting or through the AnimeCap Forum.

So thats what ive been up to.

06-12-07 DropDayAnime: Episode 4

June 15, 2007

MP3: (Right Click, Save As)

In This Episode I Review:

1. Gunbuster 2 – Bandai

2. Demon Prince Enma – Bandai

3. And The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya – Bandai

And preview:

3×3 Eyes By Bandai

Expect Episode 4: Tuesday June 14th(Hopefully)

June 3, 2007

Since its been a while without a podcast this upcoming week ill be reviewing:

1. Gunbuster 2 – Bandai

2. Demon Prince Enma – Bandai

3. And The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya – Bandai

Look Forward To Episode 4: The Episode of DOOM!


The “New Anime Releases” Page has been updated with 06/05/07-06/19/07 Information.

And www.seckond.com “Anime For Your Hands” has been updated so visit.

Another setback DAMN YOU JOB HUNTING!!! (Shakes Fist)